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Old 08-28-2021   #5
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Crawfordville, FL
Posts: 220
Default Re: Torque Detail vs. other ceramic/poly polishes

Like I wrote on your other General Postings thread - I have used Torque Ceramic on my red '90 and it came out amazing, looking like a new car. Airborne dirt and pollen just blow right off or come off with a light rinse of water. The water just runs right off too without leaving water marks. I have also used their waterless cleaner once and it also makes the car look like new. Both are very quick and easy to apply just with a clean microfiber cloth.
I recommend these but haven't used them long enough to see how long it will last, altho the company says to reapply the ceramic once a year.
My previous best product was Rejex, but I think Torque is much better. And I like real simple, not spending 4-6 hours to clean and detail my car.
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