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Old 08-05-2021   #3
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Seattle
Posts: 28
Default Re: Coolant refill recommendation using vacuum

When I recently did the first coolant flush on my Z I also did this, using an Airlift I borrowed from a coworker. There's a slight learning curve with keeping the fittings straight and not leaking vacuum, and making sure the refill pickup tube stays submerged, but it worked perfectly in the end and I had no issues at all with purging trapped air. If you have access to an air compressor I highly recommend using an Airlift or similar.

As for draining the coolant, I just drained out as much as I could from the radiator petcock. The coolant that was in it looked fine and tested OK, so for me that wasn't a big issue. As far as I know to get most of the coolant out you must open the thermostat housing. I'm going to hold off on that until (if) my thermostat starts acting up because I'm pretty sure I'll be installing timeserts or helicoils into the aluminum t-stat casting!
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