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Old 06-21-2021   #10
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Default Re: Lift for my garage

Originally Posted by DRM500RUBYZR-1 View Post
Beautiful setup!
One comment to OP.

Like Bob, I placed my controls on the one lift exactly as he did.
In 2006, my son, Robert, was 6.
I did not want the controls in his easy reach in the middle of the garage.
So, we purposely put the power post by the wall.
Fifteen years has passed with no issues.
However; my pulse quickens every time I stand with my back to the wall and the ramp 4 inches from my chest as I raise and lower the lift, watching the car , especially if it is the 70 Riviera passing by me.
Once my son was older, I should have simply attached the lifts wheels and spun it around.
Can't now as the other lift would be in the way.
The moral to this is "plan ahead"
You will love your lift!

Good choice for your son's name, Marty! With my 21' x 21' garage and the wider 18' door, I am able to have the lift slightly left of center but still have 22" from the wall to the lift. That little bit of extra room is huge. Plus when I raise and lower it I stand at the front with my back to the refrigerator and reach around for the controls. But I don't have a 1970 Riviera going by so not as scary. --Bob
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