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Old 06-21-2021   #8
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Default Re: Lift for my garage

Originally Posted by WARP TEN View Post
I am sure there are many four post lifts out there that will do just fine for you. As noted many have BendPaks but also many have others. Nine years ago I installed a Direct Lift Pro Park 8S in my two car garage. I am comfortable with mechanical safety stops and did not want to have to hook up my compressor for the stops. There are quite a few pictures of the installation in my albums section; just click on my avatar. The Corvette is usually up from November through early April for the winter. In the summer the BMW is up a fair amount but if there is a lot of rain predicted I get it down to drive. I have a 21' x 21' garage with a ceiling height that varies from about 9'8" at the front to about 10' near the overhead door due the natural slope of the floor. A big help is that I have an 18' wide garage door, rather than the normal 16', which allowed the lift to be left of center, proving more room for my wife's car. I have a 5" tall car and a 4' tall car so they fit with a few inches to spare. To provide clearance I had to raise the garage tracks to within about 6" or less of the ceiling and I cut out a portion of the horizontal metal support at the top of the door, replacing it with a piece of heavy "L" channel. (Either car can go in forward now; early pix show the top cars being backed in until I made those changes). I positioned my lift near the overhead door to provide room in front for refrigerator, tools, compressor, etc. I also got a 90 degree angle bracket to mount the hydraulic fluid tank and pump between the posts rather than outside to give more side clearance. I replaced my normal opener with a Liftmaster 3800 jackshaft opener and installed surface mount conduit for electrical outlets on the ceiling for the opener and for the lift motor and an extra power cord for chargers, so no electrical cords on the ground. I strongly recommend you get a set of Race Ramps as they are very light compared with the steel ones that came with my lift. With my lift location the ramps are outside the garage when I swap cars. For the winters, I had some insulation blown in and added a 220v. electric heater and later an insulated steel door; with the thermostat set to 50 degrees. The lift has been completely reliable, although I did replace the lift cables at the 8 year mark due to a loose strand. Cost back then was about $3,500 installed including the Race Ramps;likely higher now. Good luck with your plans. --Bob

Beautiful setup!
One comment to OP.

Like Bob, I placed my controls on the one lift exactly as he did.
In 2006, my son, Robert, was 6.
I did not want the controls in his easy reach in the middle of the garage.
So, we purposely put the power post by the wall.
Fifteen years has passed with no issues.
However; my pulse quickens every time I stand with my back to the wall and the ramp 4 inches from my chest as I raise and lower the lift, watching the car , especially if it is the 70 Riviera passing by me.
Once my son was older, I should have simply attached the lifts wheels and spun it around.
Can't now as the other lift would be in the way.
The moral to this is "plan ahead"
You will love your lift!

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