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Old 06-17-2021   #1
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Default making it easer to remove 4l8OE trans

I went drag racing on May 15th at Orlando Speed World. Had a great time, but
I could not hold the car when staged at more then 1800-2000 rpm it would
push through the brakes. The the torque convertor is too tight, so I removed
the transmission to remove the torque convertor to have it "loser"(higher
launch rpm 2500-2800 rpm).While that was being done being that the
headers were out of the car I had them modified so I can remover the
transmission without taking the headers off. I just pull the collectors off and
the transmission comes right out. (saves me about 1.5 hours be doing this.

Header modification pictures

Last edited by aafc; 06-17-2021 at 08:39 PM. Reason: post pic
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