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Old 06-11-2021   #5
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: Ceramic coating/xpel

Originally Posted by 32valvesftw View Post
I cannot comment on the expel but can on the ceramic coatings, I had my Tundra ceramic coated through a specialty shop not the dealer. In any case, I personally don't see the advantage over regular wax. Yes the coating appears to last longer, but the paint does shed dirt like they tell you that is BS, bugs stick to it as does sap and bird poop, water spotting is the same. All those things have to be removed as you would have always had to, with elbow grease!. You have to wash the car just as much, and they make such a fuss about the way you have to wash it that to me it's more of a hassle. Your mileage may vary.

X-pel: Yes!

Ceramic: Never again.

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