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Old 05-25-2021   #50
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Default Re: On the Road Again - Purple ZR-1 Road Trip to Utah

Day 8 - Tuesday: Our plan for the day was to drive two Utah Scenic Byways (UT-92) and UT-190) across the Wasatch Mountains to Provo, Utah and back to Heber City and Park City. But things didn't work out that way. The high elevation portions of the Byways were still closed since Winter and not expected to be opened until July.

So we stuck to the Highways and drove to Provo for sight-seeing.

The Wasatch Mountains with the receding snow cover are stunning this time of the year:

Along the way we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls:

The highlight of the day was a visit to the Brigham Young University Museum of Art.

Lyndi and I agreed that the Museum's permanent collection that was on display is the one of the finest we have seen. There are many beautiful art works by a wide variety of artists. Two of my favorites are:

"Lift Up Thine Eyes" by Norman Rockwell. Rockwell is most famous for his Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations. This painting is much more realistic:

Daniel Ridgeway Knight's "First Grief", painted in 1892 is a stunningly realistic painting:


Last edited by QB93Z; 05-25-2021 at 10:11 PM.
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