Thread: New digs...
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Old 05-11-2021   #1
Paul Workman
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Location: Squires (near Ava MO in the Mark Twain N'tl Forest) - Missouri
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Default New digs...

Yesterday we closed on a new (to us) home in south central Missouri. Much as I hated moving away from the core of the FBI gang - I have become a member "at large", so to speak!

The closest town of note is Ava, MO, located SE of Springfield, MO about an hour, or about an hour NW of Branson MO.

The house sits on State HWY N, located (I'm told) one one of the favorite Corvette club scenic twisties routs. So, Ami and I had to wring part of it out to see, and OH - YEAH!! Not as twisty as "The Dragon", but every bit and maybe then some on some of the other Appalachian Mountain Runs! Gonna have a ball just driving to the grocery store!! (Think OZARKS)

The move (DIY) will occur in chapters, the main one this week, but hopefully all the trips will be complete by June 1 "God willing and the creek don't rise!"
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