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Old 02-17-2021   #5
Great White
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Default Re: Will 335 35 17 fit up front?

You do realize that you're considering a ridiculous amount of money, time, and effort just to increase your front contact patch by a few square inches?

The forces being put on the suspension will increase with the extra unsprung weight. This will cause the life of every component in the system to be shortened. (Bushings, the entire steering system, bearings, shocks, springs, linkages, ball joints, etc.)

Stopping distance may suffer as well due to an increase in rotating mass.

Acceleration distance is increased (you have to push the extra weight, plus increased rolling resistance of a larger tire.)

Back to the the gain of merely a few square inches of contact patch: In order to use this contact patch you will also need to re-adjust tire pressure and suspension alignment settings which were engineered with the factory suspension package for the factory tire size, wheel offset, and width. The arc the factory arms' travel is pretty much fixed.

Basically what I'm saying is even if you adjust the camber and caster static, the dynamic camber under jounce/rebound may not be desirable with the new tire/wheel combo.

Also if the sidewalls of the new tire are too stiff (or not stiff enough) this will cause a drastic affect on handling regardless of suspension adjustments. This can be somewhat masked with tire pressure adjustments, but only to a point. It can be either harmful or helpful and you won't really know until you try.

To me the cons outweigh the pros.

Proceed at your own risk. At the very least, it would give you bragging rights.

Last edited by Great White; 02-17-2021 at 11:31 PM.
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