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Old 12-28-2020   #16
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Cypress, Texas
Posts: 27
Default Re: LT-5 motor issue

coolant level is on low side but there is still some in the reservoir and I have gotten the fuel from the same place each time and only run ethanol free in it. I have never put a hose to the car, I always wash by hand with a hand duster and sprayer and soft cloths and it has never been parked outside since I have owned it.

Tje Plenum was removed two years ago to have new injectors installed. This was done at Corvette World here in Houston. I had a power problem when I bought the car and the work that they did at Corvette World did not fix the problem but what is happening now is different and yet may be a result of. poor work done at that time since I have not really driven the car very much since then.

I have put a call into Steve Schroder and left him a message, hopefully I will hear back from him today to discuss the problem.

Thanks again ro all for your suggestions, comments and recommendations.
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