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Old 12-14-2020   #17
Dean Nelson
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: CHICAGO IL
Posts: 47
Default Re: What was the price of a ZR-1 in 1990 ?

that add was from me, I have them from late 89 and 90 when they came out and my dealer who said in the summer of 89 he would sell it to me for MSRP that G.M. printed on the window.

as late 89 came around and the car I had ordered was about to be built, the dealer calls and wants $30,000.00 over the list.

back than, no internet like today to see what is going on with others.

so I used Chicago news papers, went to O'Hare air port each Sunday and bought the Sunday papers from N.Y., CA, and FL to see what they were selling for.

I told the dealer the money in the adds are looking for movie stars and drug dealers and they will never sell for the 100,000 to 120,000 that I have from the adds.

we ended in a law suite over the car......and that is a looooog story.

Dean Nelson
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