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Old 11-22-2020   #31
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: New Brunswick
Posts: 962
Default Re: New ZR-1. New Issue. Stalling Once Warm.

It would seem that my ZR-1 is back up and running again. The biggest problem? An idiot mechanic. I'm more pissed off then I can say. Yes, a lot of stuff got done, most of which is really good maintenance work. However, It cost me the entire fall driving season. Which pisses me off the most.

Anyhow, I finally got fed up with this guys incompetence, and towed it 2 hours to someone I understand had experience with the LT5. Anyway, 4 hours of maintenance time, and they had the problem found.

I'm pretty much a forgive and forget kind of guy, but thoughts of suing the first mechanic keep popping up in my head.

I hope to have the car back in the next couple of days. Once I've driven it and found it to be sound, I'll post more!
1990 ZR-1 # 996

"All Corvettes are red. The rest are mistakes." - John Heinricy
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