Completely agree with each of the steps as well as the products.
Only suggestion might be a more multi step polish regimen.
Paint correction (polish) needs to be sufficiently aggressive to remove the imperfections, then less aggressive to remove the finer scratches from the aggressive polish.
Here we go through either a 3 or a 5 step correction process, as light as needed to get out all of the imperfections.
It takes 1-2 days to get the car where I find it acceptable.
The practice of putting a genuine wax product over the synthetic products is what really makes it look absolutely amazing!
The Gloss Enhancer sprays mentioned in the original post take it up even further.
I have no experience with the newer Turtle products.
I avoid ceramic coatings after discussing with my painter. Most need to be sanded off to fix even a scratch. So in a case where you are trying to panel blend, you may need to sand a good portion of the car to repair a simple scratch.
I have found X-Pel to be a far better way to protect paint form damage and it is reversible.
Make it look great!
