Thread: ZR-1 Roadster
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Old 09-07-2020   #13
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Re: ZR-1 Roadster

Originally Posted by Corvettes White View Post
A lot of the body panels either need to be sectioned and widened or new panels from molds. Either way a lot of work. Pllus the cost of a new paint job

Ditto, "Talk to Brett."

I considered this conversion in 1993 after a bad accident in my 91Z and Progressive insisted on repair rather than totaling the car. Rear clip was removed at the end of side rails at ?B? pillar, f
Located a complete rear clip in same color, red (lucky me!) and joined. Tim Burke, body shop manager at Roger?s Corvette in Maitland, FL, did the work and took 3 months.
At the time, I considered turning my 91 into a convertible. Plan was to graft center section of convertible from behind the seat to the rear bumper. Progressive was paying roughly $35,000 to repair, my portion would have been around $5,000 or so.
Convertibles have ?X? brace under the car but these are open ?C? channel stamping. Plan was to stick weld a panel effectively turning these to box sections. Although I did not turn mine into a convertible, I did box up a convertible brace and had it installed at Corvette Masters. This added maybe 80 pounds but stiffened the car substantially.
Tim broke away from Roger around 1996 and started his own shop, Burke Corvette.
My 91 is shown under gallery at the bottom and under frame repair- small boxes top left, top right and bottom left.
If anyone can to the conversion right, it would be Tim.
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