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Old 02-01-2008   #4
QB93Z's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Westminster, Maryland
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Default Re: 1992 ZR1's check in here with color combo & car #

Here is data for a bunch of 1992 ZR-1's that I got from the 2001 LT5 Registry Directory. There may be some here that you don't have.
Good Luck, Jim
92 175 Black/Red
92 301 Polo Green/ Saddle
92 26 Yellow/Lt Beige
92 456 White/White
92 30 Red/Black
92 16 White/Red
92 284 Turquoise/Lt Beige
92 189 Black Rose/Lt Beige
92 308 Black/Black
92 178 Red/Red
92 306 Red/Red
92 141 Black Rose/Black
92 475 White/White
92 405 Dark Red/Black
92 469 Polo Green/Lt Beige
92 358 Red/White
92 56 Black/Black
92 369 Polo Green/Lt Beige
92 255 Red/Red
92 374 Red/Red
92 484 Red/Gray
92 293 White/Red
92 211 Turqouise/Black
92 375 White/Red
92 94 Black/Black
92 183 Red/Gray
92 414 White/Red
92 100 White/Black
92 440 White/Red
92 495 Red/Red
92 365 Red/Black
92 252 Dark Red/Black
92 50 Polo Green/Lt Beige
92 489 Red/Red
92 415 Black/Silver ???
92 365 Red/Black
92 474 Turquoise/Gray
92 37 Turquoise/Black
92 133 Black Rose/Black
92 277 Black/Black
92 397 White/Red
92 345 Black/Black
92 165 Black Rose/Lt Beige
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