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Old 07-26-2020   #25
Hib Halverson
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: CenCoast California
Posts: 898
Default Re: Which Brand of Spark plug do you run??

I just love old threads....

When I owned Barney, at first, I used the Denso IT20 (an iridium plug) which is about the same heat range as the originall LT5 plug the ACD FR1LS, but then, once I learned I could go colder and still run on the street with no fouling?mainly because of my hotter coils and Haibeck's good calibration, I went to the IT22 which I stuck with for the final five years I owned the car.

Even today, I still love the Denso 22 heat range.

I use it in my '04 ZO6 (IT22), in my '12 ZO6 (IT22) and in my '19 ZR1 (IVT22).
Hib Halverson
Technical Writer
former owner 95 VIN 0140
current owner 19 VIN 1878
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