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Old 07-08-2020   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Finksburg, MD
Posts: 243
Default FX3 VS RideTech Coilover System

Im noticing some cracks in the suspension bushings in my '94 Z.

Ive always been a handling/braking nut so when possible to make an improvement along with a repair, I jump on it.

The question of the day is:

How does the factory FX3/ Leaf Spring suspension compare to the RideTech (or similar) coilover offerings?

Ridetech allows you to purchase the bushings, bars, control arms, etc A La Carte but it doesnt seem like they want to sell you just the coilovers downt he line.

Will be adding the V2V No Flex kit in the meantime until I make a plan on how to proceed in rebuilding suspension this winter.
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