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Old 06-26-2020   #29
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Chicagoland, IL
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Default Re: ECM Issues - No Start

Originally Posted by Macroblock View Post
Verifying that the primary injectors are working is actually straightforward:

Remove the Yellow or Gray 22-way Connector to the ECM. Turn the key to ON. One at a time, jump a wire from the (-) Battery Post to positions 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13 and 18 on the Connector. An injector that makes an audible click, is likely OK.

To check the primary and secondary injectors together, remove the Brown 22-way Connector to the ECM. Jump positions 16, 17, 21 and 22 from the connector to GND.

Then remove the Yellow or Gray 22-way Connector to the ECM. Turn the key to ON. One at a time, jump a wire from the (-) Battery Post to positions 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13 and 18 on the Connector. Both the primary and secondary injectors that make an audible click together, are likely OK.

To check only the secondaries remove Injector 1 Fuse while doing the above tests.

See page 6E3-A-5 of Factory Service Manual.
What year FSM are u using? My 91 FSM doesn't have proc at that page.
So to clarify, are Brown pins 16,17,21,22 all grounded simultaneously before moving onto Yellow/Gray connector? Or are they done individually w corresponding pins on Yellow/Gray?
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