Originally Posted by DRM500RUBYZR-1
Great catch!!!
Oftentimes serendipitous luck is actually better than skill.
However, in the future, I would suggest that you state that it is your "years of training, combined with exhaustive experience with complex electronic diagnosis and problem resolution that yielded the solution"
Again, good Job!!!

Yeah wish it was true. 10 years of Aircraft mech, 35 years of hotrodding and fabricating combined with my engineering degree but head doesn’t work correctly anymore due to past events and this ended up being dumb luck.... either way I will bet I’ve not got the only z suffering loose pins in the tps....
I didn’t say but in the last few weeks gave the car a new set of plugs, a new idle motor and bathed the t body in brake parts cleaner..... have a new set of O2 sensors but want to put it on the interstate tomorrow to check mileage then change them to see if I get a change.....
Post up if you check yours and find wires de-pinned or loose