Thread: Tire question
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Old 02-05-2020   #1
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 91
Default Tire question

The ZR-1 which I purchased over the weekend is in need of new tires. The old ones have a lot of tread but are over 10 years old.

I will be using the car primarily on weekends for pleasure drives so am guessing that I will put a maximum of a few hundred miles per month on her and probably not that much. I would also like to do a track day in the next year. Given that the tires will most probably have to be replaced in the future because of age and not wear I have a couple of questions.

1. What tires do you believe would be best for my use?

2. Do you experience flat spotting of tires if you car is not driven for a number of weeks? If so what are the options to minimize it?

Thanks for sharing your expertise,
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