Re: C-8,cheaper than our cars new..
Initially, I anticipated a dramatic drop in C-7 prices.
It actually began to happen back in March and April.
Lately however, C-7 wholesale prices have begun to stabilize.
Some have theorized that with the C-8 production spoken for, many buyers will not want to wait almost a year to get a new or nearly new Corvette.
Chevrolet dealers continue to discount their remaining 17, 18, and 19 NEW cars that they still have in inventory.
But some who go to auctions for used C-7's are noting the firmer prices.
Sounds plausible, but could be other factors as well.
Word has it that some Chevrolet dealers are buying used C-7's just have some Corvette representation if their C-8's are pre sold.
I have fielded many calls from C-7 owners looking to sell 14-18's, but they are taken aback when they see the prices of ones that are actually selling.
Interesting times for sure.