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Old 07-13-2019   #169
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Default Re: Jim and Lyndi ZR-1 Road Trip 2019 - Back to Alaska

Day 35 continued:

After the balloon chasing, we drove south on US-40 over Bear Mountain heading for Granby, CO, the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park.

We passed a beautiful small gorge with a stream, rocky cliffs and railroad tracks. Three of my favorite things:

After a brief stop in Granby, we watched as a group of about 40 vintage Fords from the 1960's passed. There were Rancheros, Galaxies, Falcons, Fairlanes, plus others and a Woody with a surfboard. Surprisingly there were no Mustangs. We join the cruise and headed for the National Park:

Luckily for us,the Fords pulled off before the park entrance so we had the Trail Ridge Road to ourselves. Less than a mile up the road we spotted a grown Moose relaxing near the road. Since the Moose is wearing a locator collar, it is being used to study movements:

We enjoyed the early summer views of the snow on the mountains:

There were lots of places where there was still snow at the road side:

Here is the view looking east from Medicine Bow Curve. The pull out is just west of the Alpine Visitor Center, near the highest elevation in the Park.

(This is one of the spots where the ZR-1 Rocky Mountain Run group stopped last year):

Trail Ridge Road east of the Alpine Visitor Center on the scariest part with cliffs at the road edge:

to be continued.........
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