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Old 06-07-2019   #1
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Default Jim and Lyndi ZR-1 Road Trip 2019 - Back to Alaska

After more than a year of planning, Lyndi and I are heading back to Alaska. We will get underway tomorrow morning (Saturday, June 8th).

In 2012 we drove to Alaska, following the Alaska Highway which runs from eastern British Columbia, Canada to Fairbanks, Aklaska. On this trip we are going to take the Alaska Marine Highway and ride a ferry for three days to visit the southern coastal towns of Ketchikan, Juneau, and Wrangell.

The first leg of the trip will be to cross the US in seven days. I chose a moderate pace of about 400 miles a day to have time for some sight seeing and make it to Bellingham, Washington in time to catch the Ferry that only runs the route we need twice a month.

Stay tuned for more......
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