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Old 05-21-2019   #4
Paul Workman
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Default Re: Classic no start “relay fix” – what does it do?

Let me "splain" it this-0-way...

At issue (90-92 C4s) was the high current draw through the clutch safety switch necessary to operate the starter solenoid in the 90-92 circuit design. Arcing increases with current, and the clutch safety switch can't handle a steady diet of it!

So, in 93 the circuit was changed by installing a heavy duty relay to service the solenoid. As result, the clutch safety switch now only has to carry a very small current - just enough to activate the relay: the relay now carries the relatively heavy current load required by the solenoid.

The relay modification (addition) to the 90-92s essentially updates the starter circuit to that of the 93+ C4s. The life expectancy and reliability of the clutch safety switch is thus vastly improved.


  • The 90-92 starter circuit schematic vs. the revised 93+ starter schematic.
  • For the relay mod, the purple wire from the clutch safety switch is cut an connected to the actuator coil of the relay. A wire from the battery is connected to one terminal of the relay contacts and the other side of the contacts attached to the purple wire leading to the starter.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 90-92 starter circuit trace.jpg (135.0 KB, 59 views)
File Type: jpg 93-95 starter circuit trace.jpg (150.0 KB, 64 views)
File Type: jpg 90-92 auxillary starter relay.jpg (18.8 KB, 43 views)

Last edited by Paul Workman; 05-21-2019 at 11:58 PM.
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