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Old 04-02-2019   #18
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Picked up an LT5 and ZF

Originally Posted by RussMcB View Post
That's interesting. I would have thought it would have been pretty close right out of the box.

I'm local to them, so lent my car to them for a couple of months (back in 2016?). They ran a bunch of pulls, fine tuning it with the goal of having an ECM to sell to LT-5 owners. I got the car back from them with the MS3-Pro ECM installed and I haven't touched it since. It runs great. My engine is stock (including secondaries) with headers.
I've contacted them several times and not received a lot of help. Even after sending them a log. Car (parts car) runs fine with factory ECU, runs like **** with megasquirt. It could be a car issue, but they couldn't tell me anything other than that the MAP was disconnected initially (hose pulled off), but it didn't run much better after that.

I'd love to test it on my 1990, but there is supposedly an internal wiring difference between the 1990 and 91+ that they also couldn't really give me details on.
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