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Old 04-02-2019   #16
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Re: Picked up an LT5 and ZF

Originally Posted by rbidwell View Post
I purchased my Mega-squirt system thru Ron Hanselman. Corey Henderson installed it on my car. Jerry's Gaskets maybe waiting to make there are no bugs before adding it to their inventory.
Maybe Jerry can chime in, but I've heard nothing of him selling these.

Just to be clear, DIYAutotune is the only place building these and they can only currently be ordered from them. I mean, you can order one through me for a 20% markup if you'd like...

As far as "making sure there are no bugs," this has been running on one car for an extended period of time. DIYAutotune doesn't sell prototype ECUs, so the bugs have already been worked out. There is a base tune available with the ECU, but this is NOT a "plug and play" replacement at this point.

As of the last conversation with DIYAutotune, the project was sitting idle.
There were still features with the trip computer that weren't resolved. They had hoped to work on it in the future and had some additional info based on some other projects cracking Ford dash serial bus communications, but I don't think the demand was there to put a lot more effort into ours.
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