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Old 12-08-2018   #7
HAWAIIZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: Cooler Thermostats, Thermostat Modifications and Engine RPM

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
Hi Craig.....You can hang on to the "holy" thermostat

I have found my coolant stays in the 190s and maybe up around 208 like yours on the warmer days as long as I keep the rpms above 2,000. It is amazing to watch that temperature gauge go up and down at 65 mph as I shift back and forth between 5th and 6th.

Have a great Christmas Craig

Hey Cliff,

Ha, ha.....I should have just popped it in the mail for your trophy case...LOL!!!

Nice to hear the confirmation of similar temps. I’ll remember if stuck in traffic (which happens a lot here in Japan) to keep those revs up over 2K rpm if it gets too high. On the freeway it really cools down nicely. I have a different front bumper and a BMAD behind it so hard to compare to stock.

Take care and have a Merry Christmas to you too.


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