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Old 12-07-2018   #6
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Salisbury n.c.
Posts: 40
Default Re: WTB Rear Wheel Socket Extension for 1990

There is a wheel instruction sheet GM part# 10080896 showing the extension that is connected to the lug wrench followed by the lug nut lock "key". There is one of these sheets along with the Velcro holder, 1990 manual, and the rest of the 1990 supplemental info on Ebay. It all came out of the same car. The guy wants a ton of money for this but it does support the theory that it was supplied with 1990 Corvettes. There is an illustration of the same instruction sheet on page 54 of the NCRS manual.
I don't plan on having my car judged but I would like to get all of this literature
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