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Old 10-11-2018   #3
ZWILD1's Avatar
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Location: Spring Grove ,Pa.
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Default Re: Door Window Removal Advice

Either use the GM shop manual or you can buy a CD. Take some pics to help you remember how things are. Another suggestion is you probably can find a video on youtube of someone working on the C4 window regulator. While I have not had to do any repairs to my current car, I did remove both regulators from my sons 98 Trans Am to replace the electric window motors.

I made myself two window props out of some wood scraps with a U-shaped notch for the bottom of the glass and put rubber anti slip pads on the part that rest against the bottom of door. I did this to give myself some room inside of the door and so I didn't need to remove the window. If you have to mess with the bolts that hold the front and rear window tracks its best to mark their positions with a scribe or pencil.
91 Turquoise Metallic Haibeck 525 #0134
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