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Old 10-07-2018   #7
QB93Z's Avatar
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Location: Westminster, Maryland
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Default Re: ZR-1 Sighting in KC, MO

Originally Posted by Jim Stanley View Post
Hi Billy,
I know of 5 ZR-1s in the greater KC area. I'm I'm Lees Summit. Shoot me your contact info and we can get our cars together sometime. Mine is currently running in 7 waiting for me to change the injectors.

I strongly encourage you to get together with as many ZR-1's as you can. When WAZOO was getting started (about 8 years ago), I knew of only 3 ZR-1's in the Baltimore area. Now my email list of ZR-1 owners who are in a "commuting" distance of WAZOO is 62 owners.

If you start a group, they will come. Many times when you go to a car show or a cars and coffee event, you will meet someone who looks at your ZR-1 and says, "Hey I have a ZR-1...". Get their email address or phone number and then contact them. This is how we created WAZOO. Most of the ZR-1 owners are not ZR-1 Net Registry members, (yet). Find them and form a local group. The power of several ZR-1 owners getting together to enjoy their cars or work on their cars is amazing.

Jim Voter
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