Re: Maybe Clutch Switch?
Thanks for the input guys. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
To sum up the scenario:
Car was driven 5 days ago. Everything working correctly. Made several stops with normal shutdown & restart. Return to shop and park car. After sitting 2 days unlocked with key out of ignition, car does not attempt to start.
Security light blinks with car at rest w/doors unlocked. (Normal)
Set security system and simulate brake in, horn sounds. (Normal)
Insert key in ignition switch and turn to "on" or "start". Security light goes to steady and does not go out after a couple of seconds. (Not Normal)
When key is turned to "start" position, displays for the radio and A/C control dim. Nothing else dims, volt guage does not move, and draw on system does not appear to increase. ( Not sure if the displays, radio and A/C, dimming is normal or not).
Turn key to "lock" and remove. Security light goes back to blinking. (Normal).
CCM code #53 set. (Pass Key Detection Circuit)
ECM code #46 set. (Pass Key Circuit).
Per FSM, code #53 troubleshooting, value of 255 obtained @ display 1.2 , lower reading of 06. (06255).
This, as best I can figure, is pointing to the lock cylinder wiring.
Guess I will get to the connectors on steering column and check.
I have not attempted to push start car. With all the above indications, I would assume the injectors are shut down?
I had been thinking about what to do to the car next. Guess I found it!!
Any more detailed information about bypassing the VATS if I need to go that way for a while? Marc mentions about jumping a switch, but have not seen any detailed instructions.
Please everyone, continue to throw me ideas. I will keep everyone posted on progress.
1990 #442