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Old 09-20-2018   #1
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Location: Springfield, Minnesota
Posts: 444
Default Fuel sending unit replacement for an accurate reading

Hi guys. I have a fuel gauge that has read inaccurately since I purchased the car in 2012 ('95 Z).

My question is, can you buy a new fuel sending unit without buying the fuel pumps?

So far my research as found that the GM part number is 19180770. OEM units appear to retail for about $370. I have to guess that this price includes pumps???

It will be a winter project for me to fix this. The problem I am having is that after filling the tank full, it doesn't take but a few miles to immediately lose the first bar on the gauge. After that, my fuel gauge goes down faster than the actual fuel level of the tank. By the time my gauge reads empty, I will find that I still have about 5 or 6 gallons in the tank.

Sure, I can continue to drive knowing that I have fuel, but then my "check gauges" light is on because according to my fuel gauge, I should have been walking already!

When I had Marc do my engine package for the car in 2014, I had him take a look at the sending unit. He looked it over for problems, with nothing apparent, but the problem persists.

This car has been a fun project for me with the goal of making it "awesome" when I get done. I do plan on keeping it. I add these statements in helping you assess my plan of action for repair. Thanks!

Last edited by Meanmyz; 09-20-2018 at 06:38 PM.
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