FAILURE WHEN HOT = classic electrical (usually windings) issue. But, the answer to Jim's question needs to be known before going further: IOW, are the injectors being commanded to fire?
But, in the mean time keep these steps in mind:
- There is a little red wire and connector jutting out of the wire harness about where the windshield motor is = the fuel pump test connector.
- With a pressure gauge on the fuel rail and the ignition switch OFF, set up your VOM for AMPERES and put the red lead on the POS battery terminal and clip the black lead to that little connector.
- Each pump normally draws between 4-5 amperes, and therefore should read 8-10A on the VOM. Fuel pressure should be 45 (ish ±). After removing the VOM from the test connector, pressure should remain to within a pound or two for several (15) min.