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Old 05-30-2018   #4
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Default Re: BG & MR alternator change out stories

After MR6 when we were about an hour from the Holiday Inn I heard 3 loud bangs under my car. Thought oh well, dropped a header bolt. It was not until we were in BG and came to the first stop sign that I heard a grinding sound just before the car came to a stop. As we were only a few miles from the Holiday Inn, just turned up the radio and figured will look it over in the hotel parking lot. Could not find anything wrong and hoped it was just a pebble or something that was in the brakes. Mark H was unloading his truck so I gave him a hand and told him about the noise. "I know what it is, go pop the hood". He looked on the drivers side and said no, then looked at the passenger side and said bingo, you lost a caliber bolt. Talk about lucky! Now I am not the mechanical one in the group but others said that was the bolt to lose. If it was one of the others then the caliber could have flipped and on MR6 that would have taken me over the mountain. Also happened the day before going on the would have been a disaster if I fell out on the track. The next morning Steve S when to the Chevy dealer and ordered 2 bolts for me. It would be sent in UPS in 2 days. I got to ride with Todd and Robert on the track in their C7's and that was a blast and a learning experience with guys who know what they are doing on a track. When the bolt came in of course it was no exactly correct....I have the C5 brake conversion and while the bolt was the right diameter and threads it was too long. Jim V, Phil W, John G and others figured out that we could make this fix work with some washers. Todd drove me to Lowes a couple of times to pick up supplies and the boys got it fixed up for me. What a gang and what talent! Thanks guys!

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1992 Bright Red/Black ZR1 #246
Dana 4:10 gears
Polished LT5 by Haibeck
Polished Fikse FM5's with Michelin Pilot Sport 2
Stainless Works headers and cats with Corsa
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