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Old 04-11-2018   #9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 386
Default Re: Went to the drag strip

Hi here is couple of time slips from some racing I have done this year the road tires race I was leaving the line at 4000 rpm I slip the clutch as I don't want to break a axle the track is very well prepared and I get no wheel spin when l heat the tires they get traction and push the car forward while pushing on the brake pedal
The other time slip is from another track and I am using Hoosier quick time drag radials when I heat the tires they spin and don't push the car forward on take of the tires spun up and the back went side ways before taking of 12.56 is my best time so far I'm still learning how to get the car of the line I have made the injector bosses small I haven't removed them completely I also have a aluminum flywheel and headers which I made I hope this helps 20180410_191543.jpg20180331_141025.jpg

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