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Old 03-23-2018   #3
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
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Location: Mullica Hill, NJ
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Default Re: ZR-1 NetRegistry Membership

Now let's all continue to make the content of this site so valuable that all who own one of these true Super-cars, simply cannot imagine failing to join our ranks.
We offer a minimization of the fear that some have when they think of owning one.
The LT-5 engine is what makes these cars special. We know that special engine is the most bullet-proof part of the car, but the general Corvette public is not as sure of that as we are.
This organization and each member helps to put that myth to rest.
The better we become at that, the more this group will grow.
Kudos to those that have worked so hard to get it to it's current level.

I love these cars!!!
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