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Old 03-03-2018   #6
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: 2.5 vs. 3 inch debate (again)..

Glad to see that my "butt-dyno" remains perfectly calibrated.
I too have had more systems on and off the car than I care to think about.
One thing however was always ABUNDANTLY CLEAR.
My 3 inch B&B, particularly with no mufflers, made a huge difference in the cars power over the Borla's that it originally had, the Corsa, and the stock system that was put back on for NCRS.
There was simply no comparison.
I am now going on 4 years with a new B&B Fusion still sitting in the box in the garage. The current setup just sounds TOO good to mess with.
Even better, when the car had " test pipes" on instead of the cats, I would routinely get 18-24 inch flames out the back to accompany the off throttle bark.
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