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Old 02-22-2018   #9
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Clayton, North Carolina
Posts: 1,133
Default Re: Here’s something I would do in a NY second

Back in the early 2000’s, there was a television series called “Corvette Owners’ TV Guild.” I was one of their founding members and had TV crew credentials. They would have shoots at Eckler’s Annual Car Show, club events and also Parade laps at H.S. football games. The Homecoming kids were perched on the hoop after the top was stowed away. Their parent rode shotgun as we slowly circled the football field on the surrounding track. The kids all got photos and loved the attention and of course the rides in the Vettes. I was the only ZR-1 owner and a majority were the solid axle Vette owners! At the time they looked awe fully old, now I’m one of them! [emoji16]

If your Insurance is good, there shouldn’t be a problem if they are buckled in.

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