Intermittent no start VATS
This has happened to me twice in the past year. Get in car, fires right up, go to lunch, order lunch, eat lunch, enjoy lunch, get back in car and won't start. It's like the ignition is totally bypassed. Lights, stereo, windows all have power, turn key nada. Starter is totally not energized. Call wife, wife takes me home, get spare key, get back to car, 90 minutes later starts and drives like always. Get car back to office. Car starts normally with either key. WTF? Drive car again today, both keys work.
Anyone know details on vats system? Does it cause a no start on a timer? A few minutes, 15 minutes? Not an issue? Are the resistors in my keys changing? Is the resistance circuit in the infnition switch going bad? Is the vats module just intermittently retarded?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Did I mention the silly grin I get everytime the LT5 comes roaring to life or I plant the throttle to the floor?