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Old 02-03-2018   #1
TX '90 ZR1
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Question Lift Recommendations

Hey Guys,
I am thinking I need to get a lift to raise my '90. Getting to where jacking it up and working under it with a creeper is really a pain. (Getting older has it's drawbacks.)
Believe I want to go with a 4 post lift. Use it occasionally for maintenance and cleaning underneath. Maybe store the car on also if I will not be driving it for a bit.
I have 18' ceiling, so height is not an issue. Would like for it to be portable if I need to shuffle it around in the shop. Don't want to break the bank, but want it suitable to safely do the job.
What are your recommendations? Photos would be appreciated if you can.

z011418 ZR1&V-Rod (4).jpg

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