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Old 01-29-2018   #30
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Default Running Scared

I would change Engine Oil and Oil Filter. I would check trans and diff oil. Take it for a spin after the engine oil change and make sure the temperature stabilizes.
I would not tell anyone what I paid for it

Then I would drive it home

Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
Hey Man,
Drive your ZR1 home, you'll be fine. I drove my ZR1 home from Wisconsin to Vancouver Washington. With only 1 issue, people staring.
Manfred E.....Black #906
If something happens on the road, have a friend with a trailer available.

All these scare posts takes the fun out of it. There have been many here who have ZR-1s with 20,000-100,000 miles that have not changed trans or Diff oil and some have not even checked the trans or Diff oil. And definitely not the clutch or brake oil change out and probably not the Coolant except checking that it is green. Those fluids are as old as the fluids in your 600 mile ZR-1 without the condensation from many cycles of temperature.

I have bought several ZR-1s and never really know what maintenance or fluids were used or the change intervals. Your 600 mile ZR-1 prolly has had zero changes and you know what fluid was used....That is a BIG Plus....exactly like my LT5 Crate Engine

Have Fun Driving that NEW ZR-1

The further you drive the ZR-1 towards home base, the cheaper the shipping charges become if the naysayers are correct

Last edited by Dynomite; 01-29-2018 at 08:00 PM.
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