We have "awakened" quite a few long slumbering ZR-1's.
My single biggest concern is the amount of rust found in ALL of the fuel tanks of low mile moth balled cars.
Pumps, sender, filter and flush are essential, but if the tank was not fully cleansed of the 2 cups of rust that inhabit the bottom then your ride could be short lived.
1990 Fuel Injectors are intolerant of today's alcohol.
However if as you say it is running "good" then you may make it home and can deal with their replacement at that point, but they do need to be replaced.
Coolant? I would check it carefully
Clutch fluid, see that is changed before you go, or you will not get very far.
Brake Fluid!!!! Make sure it is not mud.
Look at the oil, and if you are not certain when it was changed, change it!
Change it again once home.
Feel free to drive on the original tires, however jumping off of a cliff would be even more expedient. Clear?
Is it an early 90?
Do records show any cam tensioner replacement?
If yes and no, then I would be careful.
Re- awakened LT-5's will have lifters that continue to leak down for a few run in hours after coming back to life.
90 early cam tensioners will make quite a racket, especially on one side.
Those noises will startle you!
If the injectors begin to degrade during your trip, and missing occurs,the noise from the dual mass flywheel will drown out the cam and lifter noises and might cause you to soil the seats a bit.
If the car had 2500-5000 miles, I would have far less concerns for a 2000 maiden to you voyage.
A car with only a few hundred?
I would suggest a less rigorous introduction.
But if you handle the above, and the car truly is running good, then have at it, but be very vigilant, remembering that all the hoses, belt, seals etc. are nearing 30 years of age.
A few 50 mile jaunts, then a few hundred, will reveal the real answer.
I would not want to have" Get there-itis" in such a car, but if you have plenty of time and keep an eye on all, again given the above, it would be a great way to come up with a get-ready punch list, and to get to know your new car.
