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Old 11-12-2017   #6
Top Toy
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Location: Allentown, PA
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Default Re: A good day at the dyno...

Thanks Hib!

Appreciate your comments! Yes, the numbers as shown are uncorrected. There are several different correction factors that can be applied, SAE being the most conservative. And. But I don't trust any of them to accurately adjust for changes in ambient conditions, especially when you're testing in conditions that are significantly different from Standard. The only truly valid comparisons are between tests on the same Dyno on the same day and even the same time of day. I threw out the comparison just to give those interested in similar mods an idea of what to expect. Individual results will vary, as they say, and by a lot! Re the AFR, I was shooting for an average of 12.7 which is where power and torque peaked across the rpm range. I made a few more tweaks after this last run to bring the high spots down. I have an A pillar mounted AFR gauge and keep an eye on it all the time. Have never had an issue or seen any evidence of same (I inspect the plugs and piston tops and Marc was most recently in the motor and reported no problems) running around 12.7. If you're aware of anyone that's run into problems running there, please pass it on. Timing was also optimized across most of the range (I didn't spend any time messing with it below 3000 RPM). The knock sensor kicked in a few times as I was looking for the sweet spots and was backed off accordingly.

Bottom line is the car runs great and never ceases to thrill me, even after 25 years of ownership! There's good reason why we're all so passionate about these cars!
'95 ZR-1, aqua/gray, #167
368 LPE/Haibeck, Web cams, Stainless Works headers, B&B Fusion exhaust, 18" Fikse wheels, Alcon brakes, lowered. 491 SAE RWHP.
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