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Old 09-27-2017   #68
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Southern California
Posts: 119
Default Re: I'm Boycotting NFL Games

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
still waiting for an explanation of how kicking out people who were brought here against their will and now hold down good jobs in the only country they've ever known is a good thing.

And "Sheriff Joe" is a piece of ****, pardoning him is sickening, disgusting, and a ******* slap in the face to justice and common decency. If we're going to kick out someone it should be that lying sack of power abusing ****

>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced

You mean gutting protections for those who owe? Going to have to explain this one.

1. DACA- It will end in 6 months, unless Congress Acts. Many believe Obama's decision here was unconstitutional. At some point in time either we have immigration laws that we enforce or we do not. If I had to guess, the so called, "Dreamers" will stay. Trump isn't a demon for ending DACA....Obama deported more illegals than his predecessor, and I don't recall ANY outrage over that.

2. Sheriff Joe. Every President seems to pardon people that are controversial. I'm much happier to have Sheriff Joe go free than that pathetic excuse of a man Bradley Manning that Obama let out early. In fact, in a perfect world he'd be in a jail like one of Sheriff Joe's....eating old bologna sandwiches and wearing pink stripes.

3. Don't know much about student loans other than we give way too much money to people getting fairly worthless degrees. My guess is the leftists will tap hardworking taxpayers like me to cover the costs of forgiving the student loan debt. The democrat party's main trick is keeping people dependent on them by giving them other people's money.

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