Thread: Fuel Injectors
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Old 09-08-2017   #7
ZR-1Mike's Avatar
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Default Re: Fuel Injectors

Thanks guys, this helps starting me in the right direction. The problem started with a slight hesitation when I'd accelerate then the engine would recover and run great. Last Saturday I took the car out for about a 60 mile run and left it parked for a couple of hours and when I pulled back out on the road I pushed it to WOT with the power key on and I thought the engine was going to drop out of it. No power with an extremely rough output. It ran fine once I got out of WOT but put the power back into it and there it went again. In valet mode it pulled to redline in WOT just fine. I thought it might be flooding out the plugs but I pulled them and they look like they've been starved-burned white like it might be running too lean though the fuel pressure shows a little higher than it's called for. So that's where it's at right now. On with the adventure!!
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