Join Date: May 2007
Location: Westminster, Maryland
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WAZOO Garage and Gettysburg Battlefield Dinner Cruise - 22 Oct 2017
I am proud to announce the WAZOO Garage and Gettysburg Battlefield Dinner Cruise on Sunday, October 22nd, 2017. The Cruise is presented by Jim Voter, Darrin Catts and Nelson Slinkman. We invite you to join us for a day of Corvette cruising, garage visiting, battlefield learning, fine dining and camaraderie.
We will assemble at Jim's garage in Westminster, Maryland and then take some Carroll County back roads to Nelson's garage, then cruise to Darrin's garage in Gettysburg for lunch. After lunch, Darrin will lead us on a tour of the Battlefield with stops for informative discussions. After the tour we will assembly at the Dobbin House Tavern for dinner.
The cruise is open to all Corvettes and will be a great event to have our wives join us. Participation is by reservation only, paid in advance. The cost of the buffet dinner will be $27.50 per person.
Because of the limited vehicle space at some of the locations in Gettysburg National Military Park, the Cruise will be limited to 25 Corvettes. If we get more than 25 cars applying, we will consider asking some drivers at the Battlefield portion of the trip to take a passenger. There is room for up to 50 people or more at the Dobbin House Tavern.
The Cruise is on Sunday, October 22, 2017. The agenda is:
8:30 AM Arrive at Jim's Garage
8:30 to 9:00 - Drivers Meeting and final system checks
9:00 Depart Westminster
9:00 to 10:00 Carroll County Corvette Cruise
10:00 - Arrive at Nelson's Garage
10:00 to 11:00 - Ice Tea and Cookies at Nelson's
11:00 to 11:45 - Corvette Cruise to Travelers Rest Stables in Gettysburg, PA
11:45 to 1:30 - Deli Lunch served on the Lift at Darrin's Garage
1:30 to 1:45 - Corvette Cruise to Gettysburg National Military Park
1:45 to 4:00 - Gettysburg Battlefield Interpretative Tour by acclaimed Battlefield Historian and published author, Darrin Catts
4:00 to 4:30 - Cocktails and beverages at Dobbin House Tavern in Gettysburg, PA
4:30 to 6:30 PM - Buffet Dinner in a private dining room at the Dobbin House Tavern.
The evening's buffet menu for the Dobbin House Tavern:
25-item salad bar
Assorted breads
Hunter Style Chicken
Seafood Newburg
Beef tips Diane
Rice pilaf
Roasted redskin potatoes
Seasonal mixed vegetables
Buttered dill carrots
Chocolate cake
Blueberry trifle
Gingerbread with lemon sauce
Iced tea
Buffet cost is $27.50 per person
More information about the Cruise will follow. If you are not from the Maryland or Gettysburg area and are considering participating in the cruise and need accommodations, I can recommend hotels in the Carroll County, MD area or Darrin can recommend hotels in the Gettysburg area.
For additional information contact me here or by PM, or at jim@gizmosart.com or 443-244-1347.
I am looking forward to seeing you for the Cruise!