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Old 07-30-2017   #14
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Default Re: WMD - Saturday, 29 July 2017 in Westminster, MD

Maintenance Day was a success! Even though there was some iffy weather, we had a good turnout and got a lot of work done.

Here is the group with Jim F's 1990 ZR-1:

(l to r) Charlie, Bob, Ed, Yun, Jim F, Jim V, Al

One of the greatest things about WAZOO is when Charlie brings a Croc-Pot full of pulled pork to the event. Thanks Charlie, lunch was really a treat =D>

For everyone who wasn't at the WMD, Charlie will be cooking more of his excellent pulled pork for Corvettes at Carlisle.

Bob and Jim removing the radiator fans after the radiator was removed:

Al putting the new fuel pumps in the carrier:

Then we had to deal with a brief shower:

Bob and Jim installing the new DeWitts radiator, Charlie and Nelson supervising:


Last edited by QB93Z; 10-23-2017 at 09:14 PM.
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