Originally Posted by Paul Workman
Yep. I use the setup on the right side of the photo (lying on the tire), except for #8. For that, I take off the knuckle and the long extension and drop the socket and short extension into the hole and seat it. Then I use a short breaker bar with a hinged (male) end. Very low profile.
OP: I use a little dab of anti-seize on the threads of the new plugs. It only takes (if I recall) 15 ft# of torque for spark plugs. And, being aluminum heads. one does NOT want to over tighten them more than that. (Ooooh! It gives me the "willies" to see a jack handle used as a breaker bar!!
If changing plugs gets yer attention, wait till you change the oil pressure sensor or the C-beam (w/o Boudreau's Beam plates) or the thermostat hose... 
On the tire is what I used for #8, I was able to work it in the spark plug hole no problem once I got the right combo. Still needed the 1/2" ratchet with the 3/8" reducer to make it all work.
And yes the jack handle "breaker bar"....I envisioned myself breaking off a plug, but I didn't apply pressure all at once. Just used a back & forth motion with just enough pressure to hear the creaking sounds.....as opposed to a cracking sound......lol I wouldn't recommend anyone else trying that unless they feel really comfortable in doing so.....
If I ever were to do the C-bean plates, that would have to be done at a future WAZOO get together. I don't have a lift and a lot of the guys have already done this job and have the experience for adding the plates...