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Old 11-14-2007   #9
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Default Re: Some AutoXray scan results (pic test)

Originally Posted by XfireZ51

CCP at WOT would be a problem IMO. Difficult to control fueling when the CCP comes in and enrichens the mixture or dilutes it by introducing air. I would expect CCP to take place at startup and idle. I have a few scans of my car and I'll take a look to see what mine is doing.
I'm pretty sure the manual describes when it happens, and I thought it was after the car was warm and at sort of a cruising rpm? I suspect if it purged at 0% throttle/idle, it would cause some lack of smoothness. But I dunno... I do recall reading about it though, so it's in there somewhere.

FWIW, I have an AutoXray EZ-Scan 6000. Mostly I find a laptop more useful for datalogging things like knock retard on a run, but the hand-held tool is useful for troubleshooting and is way more convenient to take with you. Plus it works on just about every car.
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