Originally Posted by bradslt5
the cross counts are when it goes from low to high dont quote me but i believe the number is 400-450 . from what i have been told the cross counts help you to tell if the o2 sensors are getting lazy . when the cross counts get slow the o2 sensors need replacing.. you might ck to see if the cross counts on the side thats 117 is slower than the other side you might consider replacing that o2 sensor . what model auto xray do you have i wonder if my 4000 can download to my lapptop
Cross counts...Good to know, and thanks. Looks like I might have a "lazy" O2, huh? (I guess that makes our (yours and my) points: The scanner beats the hell out of a paperclip and standing on your head, huh?

My scanner was being discontinued when I bought it 5 years ago, tho they still support it (which makes me a happy camper!

) Mine is the EZ Link 1000, and the EZ-PC 500 USB software (USB cable provided) does import scanner data to my computer (obviously). I'm not familiar with the your particular unit, however, but I would think it would be possible.
If you have a laptop, it might be worth looking into some of the s/w available that would allow you to link your computer directly to the Vette's computer. I would have gone that route, except I didn't have a laptop at the time I bought the Link scanner. That said, tho the scanner is passive (it won't modify air/fuel tables, for example), it has paid for itself many times over...in lack of frustrtion if nothing else!